Qubits and information in the quantum world

In quantum computing, the fundamental unit of information is a qubit, which is physically encoded in a two-level quantum system. These two levels are known as the ‘computational basis states’, and we usually write them as ∣0⟩ and ∣1⟩. These correspond directly to the 0 and 1 states of a classical bit.

However, unlike a classical bit that can only be in one state at a time (either 0 or 1), a qubit can be in a state that is in a linear superposition of basis states. This is unique to quantum computing and doesn’t have an equivalent in classical computing. A general qubit state can therefore be described as |ψ⟩= α1∣0⟩ + α2∣1⟩, which is a linear superposition of ∣0⟩ and ∣1⟩ with complex amplitudes α1 and α2.

The state of a qubit in a superposition remains in this state as long as the qubit is not measured or disturbed. However, as soon as a measurement is made, the qubit settles into one of its basis states, either ∣0⟩ or ∣1⟩, and the superposition is destroyed. This process is known as ‘collapse’, and it’s a fundamental feature of measurement in quantum mechanics. If we measure the qubit, we obtain the ∣0⟩ state with probability |α1|2  and the ∣1⟩ state with probability |α2|2 , where the sum of both needs always equal to one (|α1|2  + |α2|2 = 1) [2].

Types of Qubits

Currently, there are a few qubit implementations that look quite promising for the realization of a quantum computer. The most prominent examples are superconducting qubits, ion traps and spin qubits and photons.

1. Spin: Spin-based qubits use the spin of charge carriers, such as electrons, confined in a semiconductor material as the basis for information storage. The spin degree of freedom of that electron provides a natural two-level system that is insensitive to electric fields, leading to relatively long quantum coherence times. The first spin qubit quantum computer was proposed by Daniel Loss and David P. DiVincenzo in 1997 [3]. Intel has raised efforts to develop quantum computers based on silicon spin qubits in recent years [4].

2. Trapped Atoms and Ions: In trapped-ion quantum computing, ions are confined and suspended in free space using electromagnetic fields. Qubits are defined by two distinct energy states of the ions, and quantum information can be transferred through the collective quantized motion of the ions in a shared trap. The fundamental operations of a quantum computer have been demonstrated experimentally with high accuracy in trapped-ion systems [5,6].

Neutral atoms, on the contrary, are trapped by highly focused laser beams, so-called optical-tweezers. Qubits are encoded in distinct electronic energy states of the atoms, and their quantum state may be manipulated via laser pulses. As for breakthroughs, researchers at ETH Zurich have managed to trap ions using static electric and magnetic fields and perform quantum operations on them. This new ion trap could be used to realize quantum computers with far more quantum bits than have been possible up to now [7]. On the neutral atoms side, a team of researchers at Harvard created the first programmable, logical quantum processor, capable of encoding up to 48 logical qubits and executing hundreds of logical gate operations [8].

3. Photons: Photons, the quantum particles of light, can serve as qubits, too. They are natural candidates for quantum communication due to their favorable properties in speed, coherence, and low propagation loss. This makes them ideal for transmitting quantum information over long distances. Moreover, photons offer various degrees of freedom where quantum information can be encoded. For example, two distinct propagation paths, or the polarisation degree of freedom, which is the orientation of the photon’s electric field, may serve as a two-level system to encode and manipulate a qubit [9].

4. Superconducting Circuits: Superconducting circuits are among the leading physical implementations of qubits. They are tiny circuits made out of superconducting materials that can carry an electric current without resistance when cooled to very low temperatures. These circuits can behave like artificial atoms, absorbing and emitting energy at specific frequencies, which makes them suitable for use as qubits [10].

In a superconducting circuit, the quantum state of the circuit (the qubits) can be controlled using microwave pulses. These pulses can manipulate the qubit into a superposition of states, flip its state, or entangle it with other qubits. This is how quantum operations, or gates, are performed in a superconducting quantum computer. Companies like IBM, Google, and Rigetti are using superconducting circuits to build their quantum computers. These companies have already built quantum processors with hundreds to thousands of qubits and are working on scaling up their technology to create larger, more powerful quantum computers [11].

Visualization of Qubits

Qubit states can be visualized in different ways. Below are the most common ones.

To try these visualizations, qiskit offers great tools for visualizing qubits. You can use the plot_bloch_vector function for Bloch Sphere visualization and the plot_state_qsphere function for Q-Sphere visualization. These functions provide an interactive and intuitive way to understand the state of your qubits.



[2] Nielsen, Michael A., and Isaac L. Chuang. 2012. “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information.” Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511976667.







[9] Couteau, C., Barz, S., Durt, T. et al. Applications of single photons to quantum communication and computing. Nat Rev Phys 5, 326–338 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-023-00583-2

[10] https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.06560

[11] https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03854-1

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloch_sphere

Hybrid Quantum Computing

Merging classical and quantum computing for peak performance

The future of compute is hybrid

QMware is redefining the future of hybrid quantum cloud services as Europe’s leading provider. Our technology seamlessly integrates Quantum into High-Performance Computing (Q-HPC) systems, enhancing their total performance and efficiency. Our Quantum as a Service product portfolio enables academia,

research, and industries to tackle today’s challenges leveraging

next-level computing performance.

The Quantum Core: Quantum Processing Units on QMware’s computing platform

Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are integral to QMware’s cloud services. By merging classical and quantum computing, we empower businesses to achieve immediate, application-specific performance enhancements and set the stage for the quantum evolution.

Yuval Boger, Chief Marketing Officer QuEra Computing

“The collaboration with QMware is a strategic step to address the growing demand for top-tier quantum solutions in the European market. Our combined expertise and resources pave the way for complex computing challenges to be solved with the ideal combination of classical and quantum resources.”

Yuval Boger

Chief Marketing Officer QuEra Computing

Unlocking Quantum Potential: The role of Native Quantum Hardware in QMware’s ecosystem

Our cloud platform harnesses the capabilities of native quantum hardware, providing a quantum leap in computing power and enabling businesses to transcend current technological limitations.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hengesbach, CEO of QuiX Quantum

“At QuiX Quantum, we are fully committed to making native quantum hardware accessible for early industrial applications. QuiX Quantum’s technologies, like boson sampling, make quantum hardware integration into existing data centers a reality today. We are excited to be working with QMware to make commercial quantum advantages available at scale.”

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hengesbach

CEO of QuiX Quantum

A four-level integration approach: QMware’s differentiator in quantum integration

QMware’s four-level integration aims at merging classical HPC and quantum hardware at the deepest possible level. This way, QMware intends to enable the next evolution of Q-HPC systems, enhancing overall performance and unlocking the full potential of quantum computing for enterprise data centers. Currently, QMware is integrating up to Level-3 with partners such as QuEra Quantum Computing.

Level 1 Web Integration

Our entry-level integration allows traditional computing systems to connect with quantum processors via a web SDK provided by the specific quantum hardware vendor.

Level 2 SDK Integration

Enhancing Level 1, Level 2 provides a unified interface to QPUs via QMware’s  Software Development Kit <basiq>. This way, quantum software engineers can apply the same <basiq> API call to access all different kinds of QPUs.

Level 3 Co-Location

At level 3, QMware’s hybrid node is located in the same data center as the quantum computer. This advanced integration utilizes high-speed network interfaces for direct QPU connections, enabling direct and high-speed access between classical and quantum processors, a feature unique to QMware’s architecture. This increases the transmission speed of the data and reduces latency. This is especially important for repetitive calculations using a small number of qubits (up to 30).

Level 4 Hardware Interface

At the forefront of integration, this level replaces generic interfaces with QPU-specific hard- and software components, optimizing algorithmic performance, mitigating and fostering future advancements in quantum operations per second.

a graphic in handwriting style saying "think-deep" in black letters

The practical value of deep integration

While Level 1 integration offers easy access to different QPUs, Level 2 integration translates to an enhancement in development speed-up as the quantum software engineer can leverage one unified API to execute applications on QPUs of different vendors. While Level 3 already increases the transmission speed of the data and reduces latency, with Level 4 we expect even more progress in this regard and, at the same time, open the opportunity to distribute processing between classical and quantum computing for optimally balanced workloads.

The Global Quantum Network: Partnering with world-class QPU providers

We partner globally to offer access to the finest quantum hardware, enabling our clients to select the optimal solutions for their computing challenges using QMware’s hybrid quantum computing stack.

From simulation to execution: The journey of Quantum Algorithms on QMware’s platform

QMware’s hybrid quantum computing platform allows clients to leverage quantum technology in the present landscape. Starting with our advanced quantum simulator, clients optimize algorithms before actual deployment on quantum processors (QPUs) within our ecosystem. This process not only transitions your software into the quantum space but prepares it for seamless integration with native quantum hardware as it becomes broadly available.

Our approach ensures that the quantum software and applications developed are future-ready, enabling industries to capitalize on quantum advantages immediately while positioning themselves for long-term competitiveness.


Our Quantum Explore offering is your sneak preview into the world of hybrid quantum computing via QMware Cloud Services.

Quantum Explore: Your fast lane into the world of Quantum Computing

Our qXPLR offering provides you with the perfect setup to explore the benefits of quantum computing. Following a hybrid quantum computing approach, QMware merges classical and quantum resources with heterogeneous processing. Available via QMware’s quantum cloud platform, users can explore and build early use cases in a private and GDPR-compliant environment.


– your dedicated Quantum Runtime Environment to explore and test first use cases.

Your Benefits
  • QMware Simulator Basiq_SDK – CPU & *GPU
  • Up to 40 simulated Qubits
  • Pennylane plug-in
  • QuEra Simulator
  • QPU access via Webservices (BYO Token)
  • Unlimited access 24/7, no SLA
  • Defined user seats fair-use (20 user seats)
  • 100 GB nvme-flash storage per Service
  • Up to 6 months PoC
  • *GPU access: on request.
  • 24/7 availability
  • Quick setup and access
  • Easy user administration
  • Flexibility in Python SDK usage – compatible with most Quantum SDKs (Qiskit, Cirq, , etc.)
  • Flexibility in quantum simulator usage
  • Multiple Native Quantum Processors available (BYO Token)
  • Transparent costs

Book your individual quantum training session.

How does quantum computing work? What’s the best use case for you to start exploring the benefits? And how do you get started on the QMware cloud? We offer quantum training sessions to help our industry clients, research partners, and next-generation quantum engineers deepen their skills.

Building blocks for your quantum computing training:

Depending on your prior knowledge or specific interests, we customize the learning experience for you. There are three building blocks to level up your game.


  • Review Linear Algebra
  • Quantum Theory & Quantum Mechanics
  • Introduction to main algorithm concepts
  • Overview Quantum Ecosystem EU/USA


  • Introduction to QMware’s SDK
  • Onboarding Qognite / Cloud orchestration
  • Cofiguration Quantum Application
  • Exploiting quantum advantage for industry


  • Deployment quantum solution
  • Operation & Maintenance
  • Performance and Robustness Tuning
  • Benchmarking Quantum Advantage

QMware's summer school: Quantum training for next-generation quantum engineers.

At QMware, we are committed to nurturing the European quantum ecosystem and supporting emerging talent to kickstart their careers in quantum computing. To achieve this, we collaborate with academic partners to offer comprehensive quantum training programs.

Quantum training: Latest collaborations.

Photo of participants of the QMware Summer school in Vienna in 2022

Technikum Vienna and QMware launch summer school in quantum computing.

More about our quantum training >
Graphic of a transistor in a close up, colored in green

QMware technology for Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.

More about our collaboration with LRZ >

Privacy Policy for Applicants

Privacy Policy for Applicants

Dear applicant,

we are pleased that you are interested in us and would like to apply for a job with us. Enclosed you will find information on how we handle the personal data of your application. In the following, we explain what data we collect about you, what this is required for, who receives this data, how long it is stored and what rights you have in relation to your data.

1. Controller

The company responsible for processing your personal data as outlined in this privacy policy is:

QMware GmbH
Barthstraße 18
80339 Munich
Tel: +49 89 065-780
Email: meet@qm-ware.com

QMware GmbH is a member of QMware Group. Other companies belonging to QMware Group are:

•  QMware AG, Kornhausstrasse 25, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

•  QMware Austria GmbH, Kranichberggasse 6, 1120 Vienna, Austria

2. Data protection officer

You can contact our data protection officer as follows:

QMware GmbH

Data Protection Officer

Barthstraße 18 
80339 Munich  
Email: GDPR@qm-ware.com

3. What Data do we process?

We only process personal data that we receive from you in the context of your application. These are in particular the following data:

•  Personal data (first and last name, date of birth, address, diploma)

•  Communication data (telephone number, mobile number, e-mail, street address, ZIP / postal Code, city, state / province / region, country, phone number)

•  Your LinkedIn Profile

•  Best time to call you

•  Existence of a valid working permit for EU / Switzerland

•  Your previous employers including dates, position and phone number

•  Application data in your resume (for example date of birth, place of birth, marital status, nationality, data on education, information on professional career, certificates and qualifications, curriculum vitae, preferred start date, under certain circumstances photo of the applicant and stated hobbies)

•  Data in the course of the interview

•  Other data that is voluntarily provided to us in the application process (category “Tell Us About Yourself” e.g. voluntary work, hobbies, etc.)

We need the information in the fields marked with “required” to process your application, to confirm receipt of your application electronically and to communicate with you. You can only send us your application if you have completed these fields. If you do not provide us with your data or do not provide it in full, this will not have any adverse consequences for you, but in this case we will generally not be able to process your application or will only be able to do so with a delay.

4. What do we process your data for (purpose of processing) and on what legal basis?

We process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

The purpose of the data processing is the application procedure to be carried out, such as the management of your application documents, the assessment of your qualifications, the conduct of interviews and the hiring decision. The legal basis results from

a) Your consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR

Insofar as you have given us consent to process personal data for specific purposes (e.g. for inclusion in the applicant pool), data processing is based on your consent. This consent is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time with effect for the future. Your data will then be deleted or will no longer be used after the expiry of legal retention obligations. If you withdraw your consent, the processing of your data that took place until the revocation remains lawful.

b) Article 6(1)(b), 88(1)(2) GDPR in conjunction with § 26(1) s. 1 BDSG

We process your personal data according to Article 6(1)(b), 88(1)(2) GDPR in conjunction with § 26(1)(1) German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) in order to be able to carry out the application procedure. This includes, for example, the administration of your application documents, the evaluation of your qualifications, the conduct of job interviews and the hiring decision. The provision of personal data is contractual requirement for the application process.

c) Article 6(1)(f) GDPR

If necessary, we process your data to protect the legitimate interests of us or third parties (measures for building and facility security, for example, access controls, ensuring IT security, asserting legal claims and defense in legal disputes).

Within the scope of our legitimate interests and for internal administrative purposes, we may share applicant data within other members of QMware Group (as defined under Section 1).

d) Article 9(2)(h) GDPR in conjunction with § 22(1)(b) BDSG

In addition, the processing of health data for the assessment of your ability to work in accordance with Article 9(2)(h) GDPR in conjunction with § 22(1)(b) BDSG may be necessary.

5. Source of the personal data

We process personal data that we have received from you in the context of your application and, if applicable, from publicly accessible sources if the purpose of publication so provides, such as from professional networks.

6. Categories of recipients

The following recipients receive your personal data:

•  Within our company, we will only pass on your personal data to those departments and persons who need this data to fulfil the purposes described above.

•  In addition, we pass on your data to companies and employees of companies that process data on our behalf and in accordance with our instructions (processors). We use such service providers in the following areas of IT and telecommunications. The categories of recipients in this case are internet service providers and providers of applicant management systems and software.

•  We may share applicant data with other companies of QMware Group (as defined under Section 1)

•  Any other transfer of data to recipients outside the company is only carried out to the extent that the transfer is necessary to fulfil legal obligations.

7. Transfer to third countries

Personal data may be transferred to Switzerland but not to other third countries outside of EU or EEA.

Transfer of personal data to Switzerland may be based on an adequancy decision of the European Commission, available via EUR-Lex database under https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32000D0518.

8. How long is your personal data stored?

We store your personal data for six months in accordance with § 61b(1) ArbGG in conjunction with § 15(4) AGG. The period begins with the receipt of the letter of rejection. This does not apply if you give us your consent to longer storage (e.g. inclusion in an application pool).

9. Which data protection rights do I have?

a) Right to withdraw your consent under data protection law in accordance with Article 7(3) GDPR                  

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

b) Right of information according to Article 15 GDPR in conjunction with § 34 BDSG  

You have the right to request confirmation as to whether we process personal data concerning you. If this is the case, you have the right to be informed about these personal data and to receive further information, e.g. the purposes of processing, the categories of personal data processed, the recipients and the planned duration of storage or the criteria for determining the duration.

c) Right of correction and completion under Article 16 GDPR  

You have the right to demand the correction of incorrect data without delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to request the completion of incomplete data.

d) Right of deletion (“right to be forgotten”) in accordance with Article 17 GDPR in conjunction with § 35 BDSG

You have the right of deletion, as far as the processing is not necessary.

This is the case, for example, if your data are no longer necessary for the original purposes, if you have revoked your declaration of consent under data protection law or if the data have been processed unlawfully.                   

e) Right to restrict processing under Article 18 GDPR

You have the right to limit the processing, for example if you believe that personal data is incorrect.

f) Right to data transferability under Article 20 GDPR

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, common and machine-readable format.

g) Right of objection under Article 21 GDPR in conjunction with § 36 BDSG

  You have the right to object to data processing on grounds relating to particular situations. However, this only applies in cases where we process data to fulfill a legitimate interest. If you can present such a reason and we cannot assert compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, we will no longer process this data for the respective purpose.

h) Automated case-by-case decision including profiling according to Article 22 GDPR

You will not be subject to any decision based solely on automated processing of your data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you.

i) Complaint to a data protection supervisory authority under Article 77 GDPR

You can lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority at any time, for example if you believe that data processing is not in compliance with data protection regulations.

Competent data protection supervisory:

Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht

Promenade 18

91522 Ansbach

Postal address: Postfach 1349, 91504 Ansbach, Germany

Phone: 0981/180093-0

Fax: 0981/180093-800

Email: poststelle@lda.bayern.de

Homepage: https://www.lda.bayern.de

QMware ecosystem: Partnering in quantum computing.

Together, we shape the quantum age for good.

QMware’s partner network: Driving progress in the quantum computing age.

QMware is always on the lookout for partners who share our passion for making quantum computing a reality and creating meaningful solutions for society and industry.

We believe that collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of quantum computing, and we are eager to work with like-minded organizations to create innovative solutions. We welcome a diverse range of partners, including software providers, hardware technology vendors, as well as partners in academia and research, industry and quantum platform partners.

Join us on our mission to design the quantum age. Become a partner of QMware today!

Business and industry

Bringing quantum computing from the research lab into early industry applications to tackle the most complex computing challenges.

Hardware vendors

Enhancing our QMware Cloud computing platform with best-in-class classical and native quantum hardware technology.

Platform providers

Facilitating the development of cutting-edge quantum software applications on the leading quantum platforms by implementing a hybrid classical-quantum backend.

Research & education

Collaborating on scientific research and education programs to foster innovation and build the next generation of quantum experts.

Software providers

Expanding our Quantum-as-a-Service approach with their quantum algorithm design and application expertise.

News: Read more about our latest partnerships and collaborations

QMware Oracle NVIDIA Logos

QMware announces collaboration with NVIDIA and Oracle to advance Hybrid Quantum Computing for enterprises

Read more >
QMware and QuiX Quantum to establish the first fully integrated Hybrid Quantum Computing Data Center

QMware and QuiX Quantum to establish the first fully integrated Hybrid Quantum Computing Data Center

Read more >
QuEra and QMware collaborate to power hybrid quantum computing applications in Europe

QuEra and QMware collaborate to power hybrid quantum computing applications in Europe

Read more >
Jalal El Youssef Vice President Sales and Partner Management at QMware

“Strong partnerships are crucial to driving progress in quantum computing. At QMware, we leverage the expertise and resources of our partners to create innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. Together, we make quantum computing accessible and impactful for businesses and organizations around the world.”

Jalal El-Youssef

Vice President Sales and Partner Management

Quantum SDK

Our <basiq> tool for hardware-agnostic quantum algorithms.

One code to rule them all.

QMware’s proprietary Software Development Kit (SDK) is designed to simplify the development process for quantum software design, making the generated code future-proof and accessible to deploy on any hardware topology.

This hardware-agnostic approach provides exceptional adaptability for hybrid quantum computing applications. Additionally, hardware-independent programming offers industry clients investment protection in their highly specialized software.

Quantum SDK with integrated libraries.

The SDK offers pre-built quantum programs in areas such as optimization, simulation, and machine learning. How-to manuals are also provided to assist with integrating <basiq> code into quantum computing projects.

Users can directly access the QMware quantum simulator by choosing the CPU or GPU backend, depending on their hardware preferences and requirements.

QMware Cloud for quantum software providers

Build your quantum software application with us!

Universität Stuttgart
Technikum Wien

Better software solutions with QMware Cloud.

QMware offers quantum software companies the opportunity to leverage the power of quantum-classical computing to build next-level business applications. Whether you’re looking to scale your quantum software offerings or establish yourself as a leader in the field of quantum-classical computing, QMware has the resources and support you need to succeed.

two hands typing in a laptop accessing quantum cloud computing services

QMware: Empowering quantum software innovations

Leverage QMware’s expertise to build and deploy quantum software more efficiently and cost-effectively. We are committed to providing quantum software providers with a robust development environment, tailored to foster innovation and accelerate the creation of cutting-edge solutions. Our quantum cloud services support your efforts to gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving quantum computing landscape, making QMware the partner of choice for those looking to push the boundaries of technology.

The QMware Cloud Platform merges HPC, Simulated and Native Quantum Hardware to provide next-level computing performance

The QMware Cloud: a hybrid quantum-classical platform.

The QMware cloud platform provides access to best-in-class quantum-classical computing hardware technology. Our platform merges classical, simulated and native quantum hardware to provide next-level computing performance. Combining classical and quantum hardware, you can build your hybrid quantum applications today and prepare for the fully fault-tolerant quantum computers of tomorrow.

Our product portfolio:

QMware offers cloud and cloud@customer services to start working on industry applications.

Cloud computing icon

Cloud computing

Access QMware cloud services or choose QMware Cloud@Customer.

More about our cloud products
Professional services icon

Professional services

Our end-to-end solution offers algorithm design, customization support, benchmarking, and quantum training.

More about our services
Fraunhofer Fokus
Universität Stuttgart
Technikum Wien
Terra Quantum
bosonq psi
Quix Quantum

Our ecosystem: Offering exposure and visibility.

Thanks to our network of industry clients, research, and academic institutions, we connect you with the pioneers in quantum computing. Working with QMware helps you build brand awareness and expand your customer base in the rapidly evolving quantum computing landscape.

Corporate Visual of QMware showing a data cloud made of a fine network of colored waves (green and copper color)

Benchmarking computing performance for your application.

QMware’s unique hybrid approach provides you with unprecedented computing power. We benchmark our capabilities for transparency in the market.

See latest benchmark

The QMware Cloud Platform: Key features.

Faster results, and more accurate icon

Faster results, and more accurate

Enhance your computing performance via hybrid quantum computing approach.

Secure private cloud icon

Secure private cloud

GDPR- and GAIA-X compliant, ISO and SOC certifications.

Cost-effective quantum simulator icon

Cost-effective quantum simulator

Up to 42 error-free Qubits to train your algorithms.

Future-proof investment icon

Future-proof investment

Hardware agnostic platform provides flexibility in hardware use.

QMware's Footprint.

Find us in Vienna, Munich, and St. Gallen.

Discover our office locations.

Find us on one of our sites across Europe and check out our open positions.

Picture of the Swiss Alps; picture represents the surroundings of St. Gallen, Switzerland, to introduce readers to the office in St. Gallen, Switzerland and open positions at the QMware office in St. Gallen, Switzerland

St. Gallen

QMware AG Switzerland

Kornhausstrasse 25, CH-9000 St. Gallen

Opening hours:

09:00 am – 6:00 pm



Open positions
Picture of the Cathedral Church of Our Lady in Munich; picture represents the capital of Bavaria, Germany, to introduce readers to the QMware office in Munich and open positions at the QMware office in Munich, Germany


QMware Germany GmbH

Barthstrasse 18, DE-80339 Munich

Opening hours:

09:00 am – 6:00 pm



Open positions
Picture of the Stephen's cathedral in Vienna; picture represents the capital of Austria to introduce readers to the QMware office in Austria and its open positions


QMware Austria GmbH

Kranichberggasse 6, A-1120 Vienna

Opening hours:

09:00 am – 6:00 pm



Open positions

Looking for the next (super)position?

Check out jobs in quantum at QMware.

Wanted: Movers. Shakers. Status-quo breakers.

We are QMware, the leader in hybrid quantum cloud computing with private cloud. Our mission is to leverage quantum for good to spur human innovation, and we’re looking for talented individuals to help us shake up the industry.

Corporate culture: Innovate. Collaborate. Create.

Our corporate culture is all about innovation and entrepreneurial thinking, and we value team spirit, critical thinking, and a self-starter attitude. Our unique infrastructure as a service paves the way into the quantum age, redefining the limits of computing power. With QMware, you work at the epicenter of the quantum computing industry. Our hybrid cloud platform is the enabling technology for software developers, quantum hardware providers, and industry customers to collaborate and build commercial applications. Together, we’re breaking down barriers and shaping the future of quantum computing.

This is a team effort, and together with our partners, we make this purpose our guiding principle in our daily work. We offer a fast-paced and challenging work environment, where you’ll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technology and make a real impact on the future of quantum computing.

Did we spark your interest? Join us on our mission and help us change the game. Browse our current job openings and apply today!

Find your QMware homebase:

Current job offers


What does the interview process look like?

In general, the interview process is designed to get you a good insight into who we are and whom we are looking for. Usually, the hiring process involves several stages: The first stage is typically a first personal conversation, via video call. Here we have a brief chat with you to learn about your qualifications, experience, and interest in the role. The next step is an in-person or virtual interview with the hiring manager. This interview will be more in-depth and will include questions about your skills, experience, and work style. You may also be asked to complete a skills assessment or present a portfolio of your work, depending on the role. In the last stage, we will invite you to get to know the team and the leadership depending on the role. Ultimately, the interview process is designed to assess your qualifications and to provide you with more details about the company and the position. At the same time, this first 1:1 gives you the opportunity to let us know about your potential and where you might want to take the role.

Will I need a European working permit to apply for a job?

In a nutshell: Yes. We are currently hiring in Vienna, Austria as well as Munich, Germany and St. Gallen, Switzerland. You will need a working visa for the country you would like to work in.

What are training and education opportunities?

We are proud to call a rockstar team our own. At QMware, we offer various opportunities for training and education. Our team comprises experts in quantum physics, information technology, sales, business, and marketing, who are eager to share their knowledge and skills with new members. We encourage individual growth through team coaching, attending conferences, or dedicating time to expand your knowledge in a particular field. Joining us provides an excellent chance to learn and develop your skills under the guidance of seasoned professionals.

How can I grow my career within the company?

Let’s define your next level together! At QMware, we are seeking individuals who are team players and interested in growing their careers with us. We are committed to supporting the individual development of our team members and providing opportunities for them to take on new responsibilities. We believe in growing together as a company and encourage our employees to advance their skills and take on new challenges.

Are there hybrid work models?

At QMware, we maintain physical office locations in Vienna, Austria, Munich, Germany, and St. Gallen, Switzerland. As we think we do our best work together, collaboration is key. Our team members work from one of our offices, but we also offer the flexibility to work remotely or from home on occasion. We believe in giving our employees the freedom to work in a way that suits their needs and promotes a healthy work-life balance.

Hardware technology vendors

Let's bring quantum computing to early industry applications.

Universität Stuttgart
Quix Quantum

Together, we shape the quantum age.

Through its robust network of partners, QMware offers hardware providers the opportunity to collaborate with industry leaders and leading research institutions, allowing them to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest trends and developments in the hybrid cloud space. This collaborative approach enables hardware providers to create more innovative and efficient solutions that meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Tim Costa, Director of high-performance computing and quantum at NVIDIA

“Quantum-integrated GPU accelerated supercomputing has the potential to reshape science and industry with capabilities that can serve humanity in enormous ways. Through NVIDIA’s collaboration with pioneers such as QMware, NVIDIA quantum technology is being made immediately available for many research and commercial users in the cloud, enabling universities to educate their students on quantum-classical computing.”

Tim Costa

Director of high-performance computing and quantum at NVIDIA

Enabling early industry application.

QMware Quantum Cloud is your entry ticket to early industry application. QMware brings together the pioneers in quantum computing: Leading technology providers as well as early industry adopters. Being part of the QMware ecosystem gives our technology partners greater visibility and exposure, allowing them to build a stronger brand and reach a wider audience.

The QMware Cloud Platform merges HPC, Simulated and Native Quantum Hardware to provide next-level computing performance

Your cloud platform for next-level computing performance.

Join the QMware ecosystem to redefine the limits of computing power together. Leveraging a quantum-classical approach, QMware enables the industry to start exploring quantum computing today. The hybrid quantum cloud platform integrates the leading classical and quantum technologies available on the market for quantum high-performance computing.

The in-memory, parallel processing architecture provides a seamless interface between the workloads and helps process data faster and more efficiently.

Fraunhofer Fokus
Universität Stuttgart
Technikum Wien
Terra Quantum
bosonq psi
Quix Quantum

Partners and customers trust in the QMware Cloud.

Corporate Visual of QMware showing a data cloud made of a fine network of colored waves (green and copper color)

Benchmarking: QMware monitors computing performance across hardware technologies.

QMware’s unique hybrid approach provides you with unprecedented computing power. We benchmark our capabilities for transparency in the market. QMware’s unique hybrid approach provides you with unprecedented computing power. We benchmark our capabilities for transparency in the market.

See latest benchmark

Latest News

Graphic of a transistor in a close up, colored in green

QMware Technology for Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.

More about our collaboration with LRZ >
QMware and NVIDIA collaborate to bring quantum-classical computing capabilities to market

QMware integrates new NVIDIA quantum-classical computing stack.

More about our collaboration with NVIDIA >