QMware meets Leibniz Supercomputing Centre

The Leibniz Computing Center (LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences is one of the leading data centers in Europe hosting computing capacities and storage for the entire research community Southern Germany.

Picture of Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Munich, Germany

Addressing the next evolution of computing, the team around Prof. Dr. Kranzlmüller has been exploring quantum computing technology early on. The collaboration with QMware is a further step for the rapid and continuous expansion of the LRZ infrastructure. QMware’s Cloud@Customer solution for hybrid quantum computing supports the consistent further development of the high-performance infrastructure for science.

In cooperation with QMware, the novel technology of virtualizing quantum processors is utilized and evaluated by the research community. Leveraging the hybrid architecture, the algorithms’ design allows for deployment on classical high-performance computers and simulated Quantum Processors as of today, as well as quantum computers in the future. 

Corporate Visual of QMware showing a data cloud made of a fine network of colored waves (green and copper color)

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